Thursday, April 30, 2009
EMC - Pay cuts across the board or layoffs?
A recent marketwatch article states that EMC executives took a 20 percent pay cut, followed by an additional 5 percent pay cut and are now encouraging employees to take the same 5 percent pay cut. In this way, they can save $100 million and noone loses their jobs.
May that's the risk averse side of me coming's safer for everyone to take a pay cut than to risk having some people lose their jobs and suffer those circumstances.
Disclaimer: At the time of this post, I controlled some EMC stock.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What time is it now?

What time do you think it is on this watch?
I'm getting free Money Magazine
I’ll pass on any interesting tidbits (to me) to all of you through this blog.
How Safe are your Assets?
This is from Money Magazine….
A quick and nice table of which accounts are “safe” or insured and which are not. Includes Bank (FDIC insured), Mutual Fund, Broker (Brokerage) accounts, Life Insurance, Annuities, and Long-term-care policies, and Pensions. Scroll to the very bottom of this Money Article
Investing Ideas - 20 most profitable Tech companies per Fortune
In general, tech companies have very little debt so in economic downturns (such as we are in now), they can “weather the storm” as long as they can manage their expenses.
Disclaimer: as of this post, I don’t directly own or control any of the 20 companies listed.
Manuka Honey being used for wound care
Most sites say that you can use it for almost any kinds of wounds. Just keep in mind that if you have pus (or an abscess) that it needs to be drained first.
My wife found this interesting website that tracks caloric intake (food, liquids, etc.) and expenditure (activity, exercise, etc) and tracks it over time. For the caloric intake, it breaks it down into fat, protein, and carbohydrate grams. It appears to have a large library or database of commonly eaten foods as well. It gives you guidance on your target calorie intake and customizes it to your weight loss goals.
Overall it looks like a free (ad-driven) website that mimics something that Weight Watchers would do (not familiar with their website).
For more information go to
Okay. I've waited long enough. Let's get started.
It seems like every day or several times each day, I run across interesting information, articles etc. I also have personal ideas (and everyone has these, right?) that I believe others may gain some benefit from. I may be just looking for a place to journal and keep track of all of this information.
I hope everyone finds this site appealing (in one way or another), read, search, and enjoy…