If you have been reading my blog, you will know that I am still receiving Time Magazine for free. In a recent issue, it has a listing of 50 of the best inventions for 2010.
I think it is a quick and interesting read on things that have been developed.
Tagging onto my previous post from Inc. Magazine (disclaimer that I am getting it for free at this time) and their website about organization in the office (which I would include both home and at "work").
They also have a section on their website about "How to Create a Productive Office Environment." The highlights include:
I am currently receiving Inc. Magazine for free. In the most recent issue I found links to their website that helps with organizing workspaces.
Highlights include:
Categories of organizing (paper, stuff, electronic documents, space, time)
Measuring productivity
Sources of clutter
Value of a personal assistant
Adjusting to a home office
Common mistakes
Of note, one of the things that they mention that will help is the Fujitsu ScanSnap scanner. I own two of these (one for home and one for work). The Rack2Filer program is very intuitive.