I just finished watching a documentary on "Slow Cities". There are 125 "Slow Cities" in the world. In order for a city to receive the status of "Slow City", there are several guidelines that need to be followed.
I started to think about how in this fast paced technology world that we live in, do we really live? Are we living life by the "seat of our pants"? Are we so busy with so much work, that we really do not slow down to enjoy our life?
I worked for 12 years as an oncology nurse. I took care of many patients with different types of cancers. Some patients did well, others did not. I will never forget the advice I received from one of the patients: He said to me, "honey, enjoy your life everyday. Don't work so hard and tell yourself that you will enjoy good things when you retire. Look at me, I have worked so hard, did not take many vacations because I was saving it all for my retirement... now that I have just retired, I have been handed a not-good-prognosis cancer".
So we think: Quality of Life vs. Quantity of Life? Do we also apply this to money? Quantity of Money vs. Quality of Money?