Sunday, May 31, 2009
I think I hit break-even with my Boba Tea House T-shirt
Click here to see my original purchase explaining how it works.
Click here to view the menu in case you want to see what food and drinks they offer.
PICS: Pictures from our Living Desert trip yesterday

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Save money with solar panels? Better do the numbers....
Summary of money spent and payback is listed at $26,000. They say they now pay $500 per year in electricity a "75 percent" reduction, but at the bottom they save $2,000. It looks like it should actually be an 80 percent reduction (going from $2,500 to $500 vs. $2,000 to $500).
Here's the breakdown (as I see it).
Electricity Savings of $2,000 per year ($166.67 per month average). Reported break-even point 13 years ($26k/$2k/yr = 13 yrs)
Cost (paid in cash): $26,000
Cost (8% loan at 13 yrs): $41,901.48 in payments over 13 years ($15,901.48 in interest).
Opportunity Cost (if paid in cash) depends on investment return/debt repayment as follows:
- If carrying a credit card balance with national average of 12 percent rate, your interest savings would be 1 percent per month or $260 per month. Note: you are actually losing $60 per month by putting solar panels on the roof.
- If invested $26,000 with 8 percent return over 13 years, the "Future Value" would be $73,306.20. This is an increase of $47,306.20 or $303.24 per month. Subtract taxes depending on brackets/state rates and you may end up with around $200 per month.
- There are many mix/match combinations of the above. Other scenarios may be contributing to retirement plan with tax savings, changing the terms to more or less than 13 years.
It's okay to decide to put solar panels on your roof (even if you lose cash flow each month). Just acknowledge that as an additional cost for this project when making your final decision.
The important thing is to weigh the cost (both direct and opportunity) and savings before taking the plunge.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
2009 SmartMoney Broker Comparisons
Top 5 rated overall were Etrade, Fidelity, Schwab, TradeKing, and then TDAmeritrade.
Some of these Brokers who are paired with a bank can offer some good deals on equity trades as long as you maintain a minimum combined balance. The only problem is that it applies only to equity trades. So before you consider jumping ship on your current account, look at the other commissions you might end up being charged for mutual funds, options, and bond transactions.
PIC: Calalilly in the backyard
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Money Magazine Article: How to get your spouse to stop overspending
Okay, I opened a Facebook account
I.O.U.S.A.: The Movie - One Nation. Under Stress. In Debt.
Keep reminding yourself. Positive monthly cash flow. Needs vs. wants.
SoCal 10 year old with Breast Cancer
Click here for the story.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
EverNote provides some of the same features of (for free) provides some of the same features as MobileMe (, but for free. MobileMe costs about $99 and allows about 20GB of storage and the ability to simultaneously sync files and calendars. EverNote allows the synchronization of files, pictures between mobile devices, on-line storage, and desktop/laptop computer.
Key points:
- For iPhone, WindowsMobile, and BlackBerry, you will need to download an application
- For other devices, there is a mobile website
- The free account has a limit to 40MB per month and file types limited to images, audio, ink (?), and PDFs. You'll need to pay $5 per month for the "Premium" service. Click here for the comparison table.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Golfer Phil Mickelson's Wife, Amy now with Breast Cancer
Click here for the AP story on NPR.
Click here for the Breast Cancer awareness section on the Susan G. Komen Site.
Click here for the American Cancer Society's site on Breast Cancer Awareness.
Click here for the National Cancer Institute's site Breast Cancer Information.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Mutual Purpose" sought by Barack Obama
"So let's work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term."
(from this AP article on MSNBC)
This is a great example from the Crucial Conversations (link to Barnes and Nobles where you get 3% of purchases if you were enrolled in upromise) toolbox of creating dialoge by defining a mutual purpose that opposing parties can agree.
1% for College at through upromise
Click here for my post on reasons to shop at Sam's Club instead of Costco.
This is the same deal as if I were to buy something from Best Buy. Here are the steps:
- Log on to
- Choose Sam's Club to save 1% (click on the link)
- Shop at
- When selecting items, choose the "Pick Up" option
- Checkout and go pickup
With Best Buy, you currently get 2%. Sometimes the percent goes higher.
Banks trying to pay back TARP money. It's all about risk and reward...
Recent articles report that the banks are now trying to arrange money to pay back TARP fund and the warrants. Here's one of them from Yahoo!/New York Times.
From the government's perspective, they were the lender of last resort during the liquidity crisis. This involves higher risk than usual and they should be (as investors) rewarded. Assuming the economy recovers, their warrants (think of them as long-term options) could be worth a lot more. This would be their reward for taking on the additional risk when no one else was investing in the banks. Being such a large investor in the whole financial system, they could enact changes (legislative, monetary policy, etc) that could benefit the banks and ultimately themselves since they are investors. The government may not mind having the banks pay back their TARP funds (including the warrants) as long as they receive some benefit for their short-term investments.
From the banks perspective, they probably see a promising risk and reward profile to pay off the TARP funds now. They probably are forecasting an increase in stock share prices over the next 10 years and would like to basically invest in themselves (or their own shares via the warratns) and effectively initiate a stock re-purchase program. This would decrease the outstanding common stock and eventually make each share worth more since it represents a larger percentage of ownership.
Monday, May 18, 2009
SonicMule (smule) for iPhone
IF, I had an iPhone, I would likely pay the $0.99 to get the download. More on what may be keeping me from getting an iPhone on a later post.
Click here to check out their site.
Palm or iPhone?
- Love the screen size and the interface (but my Palm Centro is working fine right now). The whole device is wider (but thinner) than the Centro.
- I know there's a hack to use the phone as a modem when I'm traveling, but the Centro is serving that purpose at around 400kbps.
- It requires a higher monthly rate than I'm paying right now, and I don't need the unlimited minutes. I'm currently paying for unlimited text, internet, phone as modem, premium on-line content for one line and shared minutes and nearly unlimited texting capability for a second line all for about the same price as the one iPhone.
- All my current software will need to be replaced (HandDBase, PowerOneFinance with Solver, etc).
The biggest "rationale" for "needing" an iPhone is to instantly sync my calendar that is on my phone/pda with another resource (IE so that my wife can instantly view it OR we both sync to the same resource so that when my iPhone calendar changes, it will show up on her iPhone. That would be cool (but also more than $200 per month or about $2,500 per year for that).
No iPhone at this time...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Possible GM and Chrysler deals in the next couple of weeks
Sam's Club or Costco Membership?
Ran into this article posted on Yahoo! but originally from that compares some of the commonly purchased items at regular grocery stores vs. BJs, Costco, and Sam's Club. Read at your convenience.
Here are the big reasons why our Family goes to Sam's Club.
- Expanded hours for business club members. Starts at 7:00 AM. At this time, they have things such as danishes, muffins, cinnamon rolls, and coffee for those who shop that early. If the kids are with me, they get to eat as well.
- Way less crowds during the above times.
- Costco has "business" hours, but it is the same time as the regular public hours.
- Click 'n pull (or Fax 'n pull). I haven't used this service, but if I ran a restaurant or other retail business, I would be using this all the time. You can place orders beforehand and they'll pull all the items and place them on a cart for you. Talking about a timesaver.
- They take any MasterCard. Compared to Costco where they take American Express (steep annual fee). It's easier for me to place purchases on my MasterCard and pay it off in full at the end of the statement period.
- Sam's Club Gas Stations take MasterCard. Costco requires ATM or American Express.
- Sam's Club is slightly closer to my house and work (not a really good reason), and is also closer to the BestBuy store (not a really good reason either).
Since we're in California, there aren't any BJs around this area.
The only reason why I personally go to Costco is the once a year coupon to save on TurboTax. I think between my family and myself, we go to Costco less than 5 times per year. So this year we actually decided to not renew our Costco Membership. Costco actually sent me another coupon booklet even though we aren't members. I think they were trying to see if we would renew based on the coupon booklet offers. Not right now....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
PIC: Red Roses for Mother's Day
upromise update
Overall this is good and bad. Good in the sense that we try and optimize all our spending to create these contributions. Bad in the sense that there is always an expense or spending of money in order to create these contributions. This is a similar thought process to "saving taxes."
Don't spend money just to get the 529 contributions. Spend money because you "need" something.
Click the following button for more information:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
H1N1 Influenza - CDC guidance on public gatherings
Click here for the most up-to-date CDC guidance for public gatherings. Specifically they recommend the following:
However, given the current information on disease severity and spread, CDC recommends that:
- Persons with influenza-like illness (ILI) (i.e., fever with either cough or sore throat) should be advised to stay home for 7 days after the onset of illness or at least 24 hours after symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer. See additional guidance for persons with ILI.
- Persons who are at high risk of complications from novel influenza A (H1N1) infection (for example, persons with certain chronic medical conditions, children less than 5 years, persons 65 or older, and pregnant women) should consider their risk of exposure to novel influenza if they attend public gatherings in communities where novel influenza A virus is circulating. In communities with several reported cases of novel influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, persons who are at risk of complications from influenza should consider staying away from public gatherings.
- All persons should be reminded to use appropriate respiratory and hand hygiene precautions.
- Based on currently available information, for non-healthcare settings where frequent exposures to persons with novel influenza A (H1N1) are unlikely, masks and respirators are not recommended.
Citi reports nearly all TARP money used for loans
This is what they are supposed to be doing.
Disclaimer: no direct investment in Citigroup. As previous, do have XLF which is an ETF that does have some Citigroup in it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Used Boba Tea Shirt yesterday!
Women beat men in 1% per year
USPS: First-Class mail costs $0.44 now
You can always check the cost of mailing envelops and packages via USPS by going to their official website by clicking here.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Boba Tea House T-shirt gets me 10 percent discount!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Picture of Toddler with cigarette and lighter
Good News/Bad News: Per County Assessor, Home is worth less than when purchased
Good news: will be saving on property taxes this year (not sure how it will work on future years).
Bad news: current home value is below what we paid for it five years ago.
Sons of Lwala - Inspirational Story
Bank of America likely will make it
Yahoo! Surveys how people are cutting back during this economic cycle
- Travel
- Eating out
- Electronics/Gadgets
- Shopping
- Gifts
- Concerts/Artistic events
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Odd Day Contest 05/07/09
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Postal Workers get 23% more than last year - Best and Worst paying jobs
Environmental Working Group - Which Sunscreen?
Ford is on track. GM may collapse?
SmartMoney Article: 10 things your pharmacist won't tell you
In general it's always nice to get generics if possible. You can also save money by having your doctor prescribe pill sizes twice the size and cut them in half (for non-extended release types).
50 Tours of a Lifetime
Ahh, to have excess resources (read Money, Time, older kids)....
They also have tours from 2006, 2007, and 2008 linked there as well.
If you're reading this post, which one would you go on and why?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
PIC: Boba Tea House Menu - Side by Side
Click here to see how you can support me.
Previous post:
The following two shots were taking (with verbal permission of course) of the local Boba Tea House. I can never remember what all they offer. So here it is for myself (and everyone else as well). You can click each picture to view the full-screen version.
If you appreciate this, please support me whenever you buy something online like at Amazon, eBay, BN, NewEgg, and many others. Click on the right to support me.
Left side of menu:
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Forgot my own advice....
Friday, May 1, 2009
California Department of Public Health Hotline for H1N1 Influenza / Flu Information
Southwest Airlines Experience
- You can get your boarding pass 24 hours before the flight leaves. Do this so that you can get the "A" group. It is divided into groups of 30 (A1-30, A31-60, B1-30, B31-60, C, etc). I was in the B 31+ for both legs today.
- The flights were on-time or early.
- The service was great. As an example on the second leg I fell asleep, and the attendant remembered that (for good or bad....what happened when I was asleep or was it just good training?) and made sure that I received snacks and a drink.
- Still hilarious announcements, impersonations, sound effects, etc.
- Peanuts. With a daughter who has a peanut allergy, this may be an issue and something that would prevent us from taking SWA. SWA at one time was the largest purchaser of peanuts (they may very well still be). They do have a policy on their site on what to do if you have a peanut allergy and you can view what they say about this by clicking here.